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Randy Alcon
Book Title:
Grieving with Hope
Walking with Jesus in Heartbreak
Are you facing a great loss? Perhaps a loved one or close friend has died. Great love brings great sorrow, and healthy sorrow recognizes the immensity of loss. But when death and loss come close, the temptation toward despair and hopelessness is often not far behind.

HB Honor Books
Book Title:
Breakfast with God:(Quiet Moments with God Devotional)
Inspirational Thoughts to Start Your Day God's Way.
HAVE BREAKFAST WITH GOD AND START YOUR DAY OFF RIGHT! Here's the nutritious spiritual breakfast you've been craving! These fresh one-a-day meditations give you a powerful combination of scriptures, stories, quotes, and other uplifting ingredients to get you going--and growing--in the right direction.
Tulsa, Oklahoma (HB-030- ISBN 1-56292-030-8

Eva Marie
Book Title:
Come, Ye Chosen of the Lord
"Lessons on healthy, nutritional living from the life experience of the author. Designed to move people from living a life of simply relieving symptoms to a life of healthy eating of God-given natural foods". AW Press. Listed on Amazon