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by Delsie Young

My husband, Gordon Young, and I have a deep commitment to the work of the Lord. We became community advocates for children and the elderly. In 2005, I was ordained as a minister of the gospel. Realizing that I needed more training, I enrolled in the Associate of Christian Ministry Degree Program at North Portland Bible College (NPBC). NPBC provided me with a sense of belonging that has left a lasting impression to push forward and not be discouraged. One of the greatest moments in my life was when I was asked to present a workshop at the College, and it was that moment that solidified my understanding of God’s calling on my life. In 2018, I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development from Warner Pacific University. I have been involved in various community projects through North Portland Bible College, Union Gospel Mission, and other organizations. My passion to make a positive impact in the community has opened the doors for me professionally. I served as an administrator with Easter Seals of Oregon, assisting veterans seeking employment, an administrator with Bridge Housing, serving low-income families, and as Chaplain with Loyal Escort.


Thank you, North Portland Bible College.

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by Jonathon and Kendra Daugherty

Jonathon Daugherty started attending North Portland Bible College in 2012, where he was pursuing an Associate’s in Christian Ministry. He appreciated the benefit of taking part time courses at an affordable cost. Studying at NPBC gave him the opportunity to apply what he learned as he served in youth ministry at his home church, Sonrise. His favorite class was Early Church History with Dr. Earnestine Cellestine.

His wife, Kendra, joined him at NPBC in 2015, where she took individual courses. She enjoyed the opportunity to continue her education at a Christian college. Between 2016-2018 she worked at NPBC as Administrative Assistant in various departments. She valued the college’s history and standing in the neighborhood, as well as the partnership with local churches and ministries. The instructors were of a high caliber, and they cared for each student’s understanding of the Bible and its application. Her favorite classes were Biblical Hermeneutics with Adam Christian, and Hebrew Wisdom Literature with Al Cushway.

Jonathon went on to serve as Youth Pastor for 2 years, and now Jonathon and Kendra are preparing to work overseas. God called them individually over 10 years ago, and after 6 years of marriage, God is sending them. Studying at NPBC gave them invaluable understanding and application which they see as part of God’s preparation for what He is calling them to. Even after moving on from the college, they still hold personal relationships with NPBC instructors
and leadership, for which they are grateful.


They were appointed with Pioneers in July 2020, and have determined to work in the Balkans, moving to the field in mid-2022. They will be working among those who have not heard of Jesus and don’t have an opportunity to accept Him. Their work will include English lessons as a way to add value to the community, pro-life work at a local center, and ultimately making
disciples. Their vision is to serve in a career, long-term capacity.

© 2020, Portland Christian Network Services.

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 11437
Portland, OR 97211

Physical Address:

1007 NE Broadway, Suite 220
Portland, Oregon 97232





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